Raze 是一家在香港及國內均具有名氣的口罩、光觸媒消毒用品專門店。為了配合Raze 在香港中環的全新專賣店開張,Raze 跟 Wilkinson 開始合作,於極短時間內緊密合作,携手完成全面客製化的頁面設計更新,無論是手機或是桌面型電腦,都能為顧客帶來嶄新的網購體驗。
Wilkinson Tech Solutions' mission is to enable every customer to have a powerful, scalable online store at a low cost. Whether it's a start-up or an established company, we can provide the most cost-effective and comprehensive solution. In the past few years, Wilkinson Tech Solutions has assisted more than 100 merchants of different sizes to complete different solutions, including Shopify online store design, POS solutions, and more.