What should I do if my website loads slowly?
Slow page load times are a major concern for web site owners.
If your website/shop is loading too slowly, it is like losing traffic and business.
The reason is simple - just imagine, do you usually have the patience to wait for a page that takes more than 5 seconds to load?
4 Reasons to Give your Website Speed a Boost
1. 47% of online shoppers expect a page to load within two seconds
2. If a page takes more than 3 seconds to load, 40% of Consumers Abandon Shopping
3. Every second of loading delay reduces customer satisfaction by an average of 16%
4. The slower the site , the easier it is for customers to leave without loading the page, dragging down the SEO rating
Website Performance Improvement Project Scope

Site Performance Audit
Analyze the brand's website, provide comprehensive data, and point out optimization points in a quantifiable form rather than from a subjective perspective

Reduce the number of applications
Change or integrate programs as needed - save money while improving site stability

Improve website speed
Advanced coding optimization to ensure that both mobile and desktop pages can load at the best speed
Website performance data before and after optimization

Google Speed Test Score Before Optimization
Before the website speed optimization, the Google speed test score was 36 points, which is not too low, but there is a lot of room for optimization and improvement.

Google Speed Test Score After Optimization
After the optimization, the Google speed test score increased to 82 points, and the percentage of improvement was 128%.

GT Metrix speed test score before optimization
Before website speed optimization, the GT Metrix speed test score was E, and the LCP loading time was close to 3 seconds.

GT Metrix speed test score after optimization
After the website speed optimization, the GT Metrix speed test score is A, and the LCP load time is 561 milliseconds, which is nearly 6 times shorter.
Common Questions
What website/platform can be optimized for speed?
Most sites (Shopify, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, OpenCart, etc.) can do site speed performance optimization.
Some relatively closed platforms, because the platform does not give corresponding permissions, cannot optimize the performance of website speed.
How much does website speed optimization cost?
From HK$8,000, depending on the current speed/performance of the website.
If your existing website structure is more complex or poorly written, it will require higher cost and longer processing time.
Approximately how long will it take to complete? Will the website have downtime?
Site speed improvements will take approximately one week to complete (with testing).
There will be no downtime on the site during work.
Will it affect the operation of my website while the speed improvement is in progress?
There will be no impact.
Our professional team will not cause any operational impact on the frontend operation of the website when improving the speed of the website.
Will the scores change in the future?
Yes. There are two main factors that affect subsequent speed measurement performance.
1. If you modify the website in the future, e.g. changing the structure of the website, or put more pictures/videos/third-party resources, the website will take longer to load, then the score will be will decrease with the change.
2. The speed test score of the speed test tool is relative rather than absolute, so as technology changes, the speed test score index of the tool will also change.
If you make relatively large site changes, or upload very large files, there is a chance that your score will drop significantly.
And the latter (speed measurement tool) change will not have a big impact on your score in a short period of time.